sabato 9 settembre 2017

Cross Training Day 09-09-2017

TEAM WOD (team of 2):
AMRAP 20' of:
  • 3 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups
  • 6 Wall Ball Shots @9/6,5 Kg. (20/14 lbs.)
  • 9 Box Jumps Over @60/50 cm. (24/20 in.)
  • 12 Fronts Squats @40/27,5 Kg. (90/60 lbs.)

1 commento:

  1. RX'D
    Coach-Andrea 13 rounds + 4 BS

    Raffa-Santiago 13 rounds + 3 FS
    Serena-Rossana 11 rounds + 8 BJ


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