giovedì 12 gennaio 2017

Cross Training Day 12-01-2017


  • 5' Rope Jumps  THEN 3 rounds of:
  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 KB American Swings
  • 15 Sit-Ups

  • AMRAP 3' of: 
    • 10 Push Presses/Front Squats @40/30 Kg. (90/65 lbs.)
    • 10 KB American Swings @24/16 Kg. (1.5/1 pood)
  • 1' REST THEN 
  • AMRAP 4' of: 
    • 15 Toes To Bars 
    • 15 Double Unders 
  • 1' REST THEN 
  • AMRAP 5' of: 
    • 20 Push-Ups 
    • 20 OH Lunges with Plate @20/15 Kg. (45/33 lbs.)

    5 rounds of:
    • 1' Sit-Ups
    • 1' Reverse Sit-Ups
    • 1' Plank

1 commento:

  1. Coach 2 rounds +10 AS; 3 rounds + 10 TTB; 3 rounds + 10 PU Rx'd
    Raffa 3 rounds; 2 rounds + 10 DU; 2 rounds + 14 Lu Rx'd
    Ivano 2 rounds + 6 PP; 3 rounds + 8 TTB; 3 rounds + 6 PU Rx'd
    Vincenzo 2 rounds + 4 PP; 3 rounds + 4 TTB; 3 rounds + 1 PU Rx'd
    Cayo 3 rounds + 4 AS; 3 rounds (singles); 2 rounds + 18 PU Scaled
    Maddalena 2 rounds + 10 AS ; 3 rounds (singles); 3 rounds Scaled
    Vito 2 rounds + 4 AS; 3 rounds (singles); 2 rounds Scaled


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